Old Campus Master Plan, Yale University
Old Campus is the historic center of Yale University and a hub for student activity on campus. With its first building established in 1718, Old Campus comprised most of the Yale grounds until the 20th century. Today, Old Campus includes a four acre courtyard surrounded by fourteen buildings, all built before 1928, including freshmen dormitories, chapels, and academic buildings. We completed an extensive survey of nine buildings, documented existing conditions, and reviewed historical documents to determine the renovation and maintenance needs and priorities of each building. The study also included a comprehensive analysis of campus accessibility and distribution of accessible student housing.
We performed analytical assessments that determined the critical needs and priorities for each building and established a design and construction sequence for future renovation work. The research culminated in a comprehensive report outlining the history and current conditions of each building. Rooms were quantified, catalogued and assessed to identify programmatic and accessibility deficiencies, on-going maintenance needs and critical renovation priorities.